Science Class
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Spelling and Vocabulary  (last:11-29-2007)
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Projects  (last:09-01-2007)
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Extra Credit Assignments  (last:11-26-2007)
Yearbook  (last:11-26-2007)
Quizzes  (last:10-09-2007)

Wooster students      posted 09-01-2007

This section was for a grant project I participated in the last 2 years. I do not yet know if I will be able to participate this year.

I will announce it in science class if there will be a club this year.

LAst day on VC      posted 05-19-2007

Tuesday 22nd will be our last day on VC with Middletown. You are done working on the science part, this will be your day to watch the videos & interviews and talk to each other about how things went and be social for one last time before graduation.

I will hold Science club after this, but likely not videoconferencing

Science Club & VC time      posted 12-05-2006

From now until the end of the year we will be meeting on Tuesdays in my science room(unless otherwise directed). We will be going on VC around 3pm each time and working with the students from Middletown until around 3:30. PLEASE read or bring the work with you that is assigned for that day. Remember I will count it for science grade.

PS - we will be taking turns at the camera and keyboard. At the moment it seems a few people want to be center stage but EVERYONE needs to be involved and working as a group together!!

Between now and Christmas break we will be working on the DNA and ethnicity article. Then will be Stem Cell and Cloning and finally you will be producing your own debate show to cover the highlights of all the topics. If some people continue to fool around, I will replace you with students that can be more serious about working.

We can pick a few other days to meet and do experiments, etc.

SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CLUB      posted 09-24-2006

Starting in October I will be holding a science and technology club. This club will be a group of about 20 students that will be working on science topics with another school in Middletown through videoconferencing on the computer. Students will gain more knowledge on some important science subjects(global warming, cloning, bridge building, and space technology).

Applications will be going out soon. I will be taking 20 students I feel with put effort into this club and get the most out of it. I will be taking into consideration current grades and effort in class, behavior and creating a diverse and interesing group.

Any projects will be used as extra credit towards grades, but will not make up for a student no doing work in science class itself.

Field Trip      posted 05-31-2006

Tomorrow is the field trip to the Discovery Museum in Bridgeport.
It is a dress down day, but you must still be appropriate.

Make sure to bring anything you might need to school with you.
(lunch, $$ for giftshop, camera, etc)

Due dates for Spin-off Project      posted 04-30-2006

Research organizers for your Spin-off projects were due before April vacation. They must be turned in with your final PowerPoint.

ALL PowerPoints are due by May 5th. IF you are not done then you must make time in structured support or after school to work with your group and finish the project. ALL work should be saved on the student (I) drive at school, please make sure to do so!!

Greet and Meets      posted 03-01-2006

Due to CMT's and videoconferencing conflicts in time we have to postpone the rest of the meeting until next week.

To make sure things go slowly, be prepared. Have questions to ask the other students and be serious in front of the camera.

Next week I will assign your projects, it will be a long term PowerPoint project on space 'spin-offs'.

January      posted 01-08-2006

At the end of January, our class will have it's first trial run with the 8th grade class in Middletown. It will be a chance for students to get used to the computer program as well as begin introductions with the other class.

ALL students are expected to be on good behavior while videoconferencing cameras are on!!

Period 2 - Make sure I have received your 'Getting to know you' answer sheet.

"Getting to Know You"      posted 12-19-2005

Please make sure that you have filled out and handed one of these in.

Ask for an extra copy if you need it, or print it from Ms. H's webpage at the Middletown school.

It is due by Tuesday December 20th

Middletown Class      posted 12-19-2005
Middletown classpage

OK, we are getting close to beginning our work for 2006 with the class in Middletown that we will be videoconferencing with.

This is the website for their school, and specifically they teachers page that she made for her class on VC with Ansonia.

Take a look

ANYONE that has not complete the 'Getting to Know You' Activity please fill it out and hand it in. ALL are due by December 20th.

Copy and Paste this site or click on the blue link above

CLICK ON Ms. Hopperstad