Science Class
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Nature of Life Quiz      posted 10-09-2007
Nature of Life Quiz

Click on the blue link about to take you to the quiz. The last few questions we did not cover in class, you may use the internet to look up answers on this.

Scientific Method Quiz      posted 09-20-2007
Scientific Method

You may take this test as a make-up, or to help improve the grade you received on the first quiz. This is information you MUST know as you graduate 8th grade science, this is just the beginning!!

This quiz MUST be taken alone if you want credit for it.
(No helping your neighbor)

I will post more quizzes as the year goes on

Stars and Galaxies Quiz      posted 02-18-2007
Stars and Galaxies quiz

For anyone that was absent on Tuesday Feb 6th, 2007, here is a copy of the quiz online you may take. When you get to the bottom, please put in your name, class period and an email address. If you have your own email, you may enter it and you will receive a copy of the quiz and your grade. If you do not have one, use my school address of and it will send me an extra copy I can print out at school. Good luck!!

To get to the quiz, either copy and paste the information below or click on the blue name above this entry.

Genetics Chapter 2      posted 01-05-2007
TEST chapter 2

This is the Test for Chapter 2 on Genetics

Make sure to put your name and class at the bottom of the quiz

If you do NOT have an email, just type in 12345 in that spot (if you don't enter anything it will not be submitted).

PLEASE be careful with spelling or you may be marked wrong

If you would like a copy sent to you, put in your email at the bottom of the page and you will get a copy as well.

This is to be done ALONE!!! If you are talking you will be taken off the computer and have to take it after school in the science room.

Genetics Quiz 1-1      posted 12-29-2006
Genetics Section 1-1 Quiz

This is for those students that need to make up or retake the first Genetics Quiz for this marking period.

You can take it online. Go to the following website

Remember to put your name on the quiz before you hit submit

Genetics Chapter One Quiz      posted 12-04-2006
Genetics Quiz -Chapter One

You must take this quietly and without input from other students for it to count on the marking period grade!! You can use this to help study for the Chapter One test, or may be used as a makeup test.

Make sure to enter something in the email line at the end of the email. If you would like a copy sent to you, enter your email. If you do not have one just enter 1-2 letters. A copy automatically will be sent to me if you submit the quiz correctly.

Space Exploration Quiz      posted 05-01-2006
space exploration quiz

This is the same quiz on line as given in class, the only difference is that it's missing the short answer questions to be answered.

You may use this if you were absent, want practice or given permission by Ms. C to take the quiz online vs. paper.