Science Class
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Science Notes  (last:11-06-2007)
Spelling and Vocabulary  (last:11-29-2007)
General Announcements  (last:11-26-2007)
Class messages  (last:09-01-2007)
Projects  (last:09-01-2007)
Video Conferencing  (last:09-01-2007)
      Calendar  (last:09-01-2007)
Class Assignments  (last:11-26-2007)
Internet sites  (last:10-11-2007)
Extra Credit Assignments  (last:11-26-2007)
Yearbook  (last:11-26-2007)
Quizzes  (last:10-09-2007)

Marking Period 2 - Cells      posted 11-26-2007

This is a checklist of the work students should have completed so far this marking period in regard to cells. All students were assigned a book, unfortunately many are not bringing them to class which makes them fall farther behind in their work.

A few of these assignments may vary slightly by class

Section 2 - Cell structures & function

- Vocabulary list
- Section Review(in book or review paper I handed out)
- 'Cell-a-bration' worksheet
- Cells Alive (work from internet site)
- Cell packet
- Quiz from 11/14 signed and returned

Section 4 - Passive & Active transport

- vocabulary list
- can you answer the key concepts on page 32?
- section review (pg 37)
- Osmosis Gummy Bear Lab completed

Martian Cells - diagrams are due

Books MUST be covered and in class!! You will have random book checks and they will count on your grade with participation.

Cover Books      posted 10-28-2007

All classes have received the science books(Cells & Heredity) that they will be using for the next 2-3 months. Books must be covered.

New cell books      posted 10-22-2007

New science books were assigned, emphasis on the NEW.
Students signed sheets and they will be kept onfile until books are returned at the end of the 2 units. Damaged books must be paid for.


Monday night - Read 6-10(focus 8-10).
In your notes list the 5 scientists and describe their discoveries.

Tuesday night - BOOKS must be covered. Finish reading section 1(6-13)

Wednesday night - Section 1 Assessment (pg. 13)

Thursday - TBA

Homework for week of Sept 24th      posted 09-25-2007

Monday 9/24 - The Method is the Key (worksheet)

Tuesday 9/25 - No homework

Wednesday -

Thursday -

Friday -

Week of Sept 4th 2007      posted 09-05-2007

Tuesday night - Write a paragraph describing something you did this summer that had to do with science.

Wednesday - Write a detailed direction list on how to make your favorite sandwich

Thursday - Current event article due Friday. Students had a week to find an article. It should be read before coming to class, written assignment will be given in school. It can be anything science related from the past year, from a newspaper, magazine or internet.

Current Events Article      posted 09-01-2007

Reminder - current events article is due Friday Sept 7th!!

It must be a news article related to science. If you aren't sure, ask.

You many bring something in from a magazine, newspaper or the internet but remember to keep track of where the article was from and the date(especially on internet articles).

Please read the article at least once before you bring it it, I will give you the assignment in class on Friday to do.

Start studying for the finals      posted 05-20-2007

You are going to have 2 8th grade final science tests.

1) The first is a lab skills assesment. You will be given information for an experiment that you must analyze and fill in parts for.

You must be able to ..
1) Figure out the problem/main question.
2) Write a logical hypothesis
3) Identify the variables for the experiment
4) Fill in a procedure
5) Make a graph from given data
6) Write a logical conclusion

2) The second is an astronomy test. It covers vocab and concepts from Chapters 1,2 and 3. There will be multiple choice, 2 short answer and 1 essay question. Review sheets will be given in class plus you should be able to do the Chapter Reviews for each chapter.

The short answer is from Chapter 2 & 3, Essay from Chapter 3.

TLC Exploration Video      posted 02-09-2007 from Discovery Channel

This is the video we watched in class today, along with the questions.

Click on the blue link to this assignment

ID - Friends101
PW - Discovery

Under Favorites go to the TLC Exploration video.

Answer the questions below from the video.
Extra credit - answer all the ?s from the video not on this list.

TLC: Exploring Stars

How are stars different?

How does the sun compare to other stars.

What is the luminosity and magnitude of stars? (define)

What do you think a star is made of?

How many stars may be in the universe?

How did the invention of the telescope help provide information about the universe?

Who was the first person to develop the optical telescope?

List 3 facts you learned from this video



Activity Writing      posted 02-08-2007

Complete the Activity Writing on page 29.

This assignment should be written in complete sentences and at least one paragraph (5 sentences) long.

Writing must be legible, if you handwriting is sloppy - type it!!

Midterm Review      posted 01-08-2007

This week we are working on Midterm Reviews.

Periods 2,3,& 9 must finish theirs for homework
Period 6 must finish in class Tuesday - VERY POOR work done today

Period 5 will begin review on Tuesday in class


Monday Dec 4      posted 12-05-2006

All classes are to complete the Punnett square review sheet.
If you are not sure which one, there is a horse on the top corner.

Nov 29th Wed HW      posted 11-29-2006

Probability and Heredity is the name of the worksheet.

There are 3 separate activities on it to complete.
Please answer neatly on the back or a separate page.

Metric System      posted 11-08-2006

Classes were given the article to read in class together today.

We made a list of advantages & disadvantages of the US switching to the metric system. NOW take those lists and write in full sentence paragraph form what the advantages and disadvatnages of the US changing to the metric system would be.

Taking notes      posted 10-19-2006

All classes have been assigned to take note from their book in outline form. They were given outlines or shown on the board how to make an outline from the section. Depending on the class students were to take notes on section 2-3 and 2-4. It would be a very good idea for students to do both.

The science books we use are ideal for showing students how to break down a section of reading into an outline. I'm trying to encourage them to take their own notes now, picking out the main points from each section.

Problem Solving      posted 10-18-2006

Students are to complete the problem solving activity on page 49.

Directions are given.

The main idea is to take the activies that are given and break them down into picture form. They can make it into a cartoon or simply draw the pictures in order of the story.

I am grading the ability to follow directions, not artistic ability!

Wed night homework      posted 10-18-2006

ALL Classes are to complete the problem solving assigned in class.

Additional work by class

Period 2 & 3 also complete the Laws of Motion work from class.
Take a break from thinking of coasters for a night

Period 9 & 6 (those allowed to start project)
Bring in anything you need to make coasters (tunnels, etc)

Period 5 - Make sure you have completed notes for section 2-4

Wednesday Oct 11      posted 10-11-2006

Classes are now on different assignments. MAKE sure you do what is needed for your class!!

Periods 2 & 3 - Laws of Motion worksheet.
Tomorrow finish working on coasters, Monday is presentation.
If your group needs supplies(ex. tunnel) bring them in ASAP!!

Period 5 & 6 - Finish the Motion Review
Study for quiz one

Period 9 - Finish motion Review, some have been given problem examples depending on how far they are with classwork.
Study for Quiz on Chapter One

Roller Coaster Physics      posted 10-05-2006

Thursday and Friday(5th and 6th) we will be working in the media center on the computers. Students will be researching the background and history of rollercoasters, and starting to figure out how they work. Extra work can be done at home on this as well.

Periods 2 & 3 will begin construction of coasters next week

Tuesday night homework      posted 10-03-2006

All classes are do read pg 38-40 (Section 2-2)

Periods 3,5,6,9 are do do the section review on page 40

FINISH Notes sheet on 2-1 if you haven't done so in class!

TEST TOMORROW CHAPTER ONE      posted 09-27-2006

Students are having a test tommorrow on Chapter One on Motion.
They should have already completed the Chapter Review and have the vocab and formulas in their notes(IF they completed assignments)

The formulas have been on the board for a week AND in notes section on this site. They will not be on the board tomorrow for Test.

There is a study guide in the book, page 31

Another review sheet was given out tonight!!

Students need to study!!!

Thursday Sept 21st Assignment      posted 09-21-2006

Finish Review sheets for 1-3 & 1-4

Read section 1-4.

Answer Section Review questions #1-5 on page 28


Tues Sept 19th      posted 09-20-2006

Finish classwork not completed

Pg 22 Practice Problems

Pg 28 Activity (box on the left side of Section Review)

Homework      posted 09-18-2006

Students should finish any of the reading and questions given in class, there was a Note sheet on 1-3 & 1-4 to complete.

Students need to READ the section, not just skim through it

Homework for Tues Sept 12      posted 09-12-2006

Students should complete the 'Marble Motion' activity as much as possible. Only a few groups didn't finish that were OK, the others spent time playing and fooling around then didn't know what to do.

I will give some groups time to finish, must have my permission 1st

Page 33 #6 Critical Thinking

Thursday Sept 7th Homework      posted 09-07-2006

Page 20 Section Review. Write out Question and Answer.
Do # 1-4, extra for #5 (if now written be able to discuss in class)

Students will need to read the Section 1-2 before answering the ?'s

Remember to bring books to class, something to write with

Wednesday Sept 6th      posted 09-06-2006

All classes received books today. They must be covered by Monday 9/11

Page 11 - Journal Activity

page 21 - Problem Solving


Homework for Tuesday Sept 5th      posted 09-05-2006

Periods 3,5 & 6

Read the scientific method sheet and complete turtle egg problem on the bottom of the page. Also finish the sour milk question on the reading from Friday.

Periods 2 & 9

Answer the 5 questions on the 'Adding sugar to cut flowers' statement paper.

Student Information Forms      posted 08-30-2006

Please return the student information forms that you were given on the first day of class. They are due Friday Sept 1st (students absent the beginning of school should also return their forms in 2 days)

Students - write neatly. Please make sure to hand these in!

Parents - Please fill in your portion with the most up to date information possible. This will be greatly appreciated.

Experiment Projects      posted 05-30-2006

ALL classes are assigned to do a project due June 8th.

students will be working alone or with partner(s) to design and perform an experiment based on the scientific method.

Please see the internet and notes section for more info

QUIZ on Space Exploration      posted 04-30-2006

All classes were given review sheets with plenty of time to complete them by Friday. A 'What to know' sheet was given in class.

There will be a quiz Monday May 1st on Space Exploration.

This is the 1st quiz counting for the last marking period

MIDTERM REVIEW - PART 2 - GENETICS      posted 01-08-2006

PART 2 REVIEW - Also given in class and will be collected.

A ___________ is another term for a characteristic of an organism.

Gregor Mendel is known as the ________________________________

Explain how Mendel came to realize that certain genes “masked” other genes.

Can a short-stemmed pea plant ever be a hybrid? Explain your answer.

The parents of three boys are having another child. What is the probability that the child will be a girl? Which parent’s genes determine the sex of the child?

The visible traits of an organism are its phenotypes or genotypes
(circle correct word)

__________ is passing on of traits from an organism to its offspring.

The units of heredity are called __________________.

Genes that mask other genes, the ‘stronger’ genes, are said to be _______________

_________ is the likelihood that an event may or may not take place.

An organism that has different genes for a particular trait, for example Bb or Tt, is called a ___________

Meiosis is the form of cell division that produces ________________

What is a mutation? Describe 2 ways a mutation can happen.
Give an example of a mutation. Is it harmful or hurtful? Explain.

A human male carries the sex chromosomes _____ _____

A human female has sex chromosomes ______ ______

During meiosis, what happens to the number of chromosomes in a sex cell?

The male sex cell is called the ___________.
The female sex cell is the _________.

How many chromosomes are there in a person’s body cell? _______

How many chromosomes do human sex cells contain? ___________

Down Syndrome is an example of a disorder caused by ___-__________

Explain the purpose of meiosis.
What would happen when two sex cells joined if meiosis had not taken place?

Each member of a matching pair of genes is called an _____________.

Blood groups and skin color are determined by _________________ alleles.

Color-blindness is an example of a _______-____________ trait, affecting mostly males.

The chromosome that carries the gene for colorblindness is the ______ chromosome.

An example of a sex-influenced trait is _________________________

Describe the difference between a sex-influenced and sex-linked trait.

Is it possible for a woman with normal vision and a colorblind man to produce a colorblind daughter? Explain your answer.

Midterm Review - Part One - Motion & Forces      posted 01-08-2006

This list of questions is the same as that given in class.

Review sheets will be collected the day of the midterm.

How fast must a 50-kg object be going in order for it to stop a 100-kg object moving at 50 km/hr when the two objects collide head-on?

If a runner travels 60 m in 5 sec, his average speed is __________

To determine speed, you need to know the total ____________ & ________________ of the object in motion.

A car traveled 20km in ½ hour. Its average speed was __________

When deceleration occurs, velocity is changing in a _____________ direction. In other words, the object is ______________ down.

The value for average speed can be found by dividing total ___________ by ____________

Speed that does not change is called ___________________ speed.

What does the Law of Conservation of Momentum state? (in basic terms) Explain!!

The line on a distance-time graph for acceleration is always _______________________

The line on a distance-time graph for constant speed is always a ____________________

Imagine you are on a Ferris wheel or Merry-go-round. You are traveling at a constant speed, going in a circular motion. Explain how it is you can be ‘accelerating’.

What are the formulas needs to calculate the following…

Speed Distance
Acceleration/Deceleration Momentum

What is force? What does it do?

A force that sets an object into motion is ___________________ (Think 1st law)

Give 2 examples of balanced forces. What does it mean if forces are ‘balanced’?

The sum of balanced forces equals _________________.

Forces that are not opposite and equal are ____________________

Balanced forces cause a change in motion. True or False

To get the total force of two forces exerted in opposite directions, you must ...

If there is an unbalanced force in an arm-wrestling match, what will happen?

The bell rings, two students both push the door open to leave class. In order to find the total force exerted on the door, you must ___________ the amount of force from each student.

The first law of motion states ...

The law of motion that describes action-reaction is the ________ Law.

According to the 2nd Law of Motion, Force = _____ x ___________

What does friction do to the motion of an object?

There are 3 main types of friction.
What are they? Give an example for each.


Midterm 2006      posted 01-07-2006

This year students will be taking midterms in all of their classes.
Midterms will run from Jan 9-13th (weather permitting)

Science midterm is Wed, 1/11/06. Review sheets have been given and will be collected the day of the midterm as a class grade.

I am available Monday and Tuesday after school for extra help

Motion Test - Chapter One      posted 12-13-2005

There will be a test on Chapter One -Motion this Friday.

Thursday will be a Practice Test

Make sure to know the vocabulary and formulas!!!

Use the Chapter Study Guide to Help

Chapter 3 Quiz      posted 11-21-2005

Tuesday 11/22/05 there is a quiz on Chapter 3.
This is the first quiz of the 2nd marking period, the last one on this book. Books are to be turned in this week as well!

Students are to turn in the Chapter Review on the day of the quiz.
This was assigned Friday, worked on in class and reviewed Monday (in other words there was plenty of time to get help if needed!!)

Monday night - STUDY!!

There is a list of words to know in the vocab section on this site

Marking Period Two -Work Checklist      posted 11-17-2005

o Changing colors - vocabulary & questions answered.
o Top Ten List – neatly recopied or typed
o Chapter 3 Vocabulary List
o Questions from 3-1
o pg 66 Section Review
o ?’s from Figures 3-2, 3-5, 3-6, 3-7

o Problem Solving Activity pg 64 (show the work)
o Figure 3-10, 3-11 and 3-12
o Pg 69 Section Review #1-5 (complete answers)

o Blood typing notes
o Blood type problems (from board)
o Pg. 72 Section Review
o Pg 74 Pedigree –Laboratory Investigations

STUDY      posted 10-27-2005

There is a quiz tomorrow on Chapter 2 in the heredity book

Make sure you go over and have reviewed ...

Study Guide on pg. 53
Sex Chromosomes
Mutations & Mutagens
DNA (structure and replication)

Be able to label the parts of a section of DNA

For extra help and information look at the notes and vocab section of this site. IF you complete the Review crossword it will help!!

Week of October 17th, 2005      posted 10-19-2005

This work should be finished this week...

Notes (completed or copied from board)
Questions on board
2-1 Notes/terms/scientists worksheet
Mutations & mutagens

Assignments - to be handed in

Mapping the Human Genome Project (vocab & questions)
Determing Sex

(others to be updated)

We have started Chapter 2, make sure to look at it!!

Homeroom - Progress Reports      posted 10-17-2005

Progress reports were send home on Thursday Oct 13th.

They should all be returned to homeroom teachers this week.

Anyone in my homeroom that doesn't return it by 10/21 -detention

Human Genome Project      posted 10-17-2005

Students were to read pg. 99-101 for homework and complete the following in class today.

Vocabulary- Define these in your own words (you may use the dictionaries in room). Write the definitions in your notes

Disembodied Villains
Recreate Reviving
Decode Sequencing
Funding Decipher
Opponents Monotonous
Ethical Economic
Accurate Chromosome

Questions –Answer these on a separate piece of paper to be handed in.

In each cell of your, there is a complete set of instructions for doing this. (What is it?)

What is the human genome?

Describe the 2 basic tasks of decoding the human genome.

Approximately how many genes are there on a single chromosome strand?

Explain why scientists that favor the Genome project believe the potential benefits of deciphering the genome are worth all the time and $$ it will take to do so. Give 2 examples of how they can use it for something helpful.

Describe what the opponents of the human genome project consider drawbacks, or negative things that may happen. (Be specific)

After you read this entire story tell me what you think (would you support or oppose the project). Why

Explain what one of the biggest challenges of the project is & how scientists deal with it.

By unlocking the mystery of the human genome, it might ensure that ……(complete)

Human body cells contain _________ pairs of chromosomes. These are made up of a DNA. This molecule is shaped like a ________________. Made up of these 4 bases…

Explain how YOU think the human genome project may help treat/cure future diseases.

Week of October 6th      posted 10-06-2005

Homework for Monday (3rd)

All classes EXCEPT period 2
Father of Genetics reading and questions worksheet

Homework for Tuesday (4th)

pg 17 -Activity Doing

Homework for Last night(Wed 5th)

Read Section 1-2 in the Heredity book
Complete section review questions on page 23

Homework for Tonight (Thursday 10/6)

Complete the notes sheet for section 1-3
Problem Solvers pg 26-27


TEST - NATURE OF LIFE      posted 09-26-2005

Classes were told last week there would be a test on the information we covered in last week +. Today classes were given review wheets to be done in class, those that finished can use it to study from since we do not have take-home books for this short unit.

TEST TOMORROW or WEDNESDAY ...depending on the class.

Review sheets may be used, so bring them complete and studied!

Good luck!

Science notebooks      posted 08-31-2005

Students are expected to have the appropriate notebooks for science class by Tuesday Sept 6th. They have already been informed of this during the first day of classes.

Science notebook
This must be a 3 ring binder. With paper & dividers

The notebook may be combined & used with another class but should have a separate science section. There will be a few notebook checks throughout the year, making sure students are prepared for class and to help with organization and note-taking skills.

Students must also have a pen/pencil with them at all times for class. Coming unprepared will result in points deducted from work.

STUDY FOR TEST      posted 04-07-2005


Test tomorrow - Space exploration

You should know the info from worksheets...

2-4 & 3-4 Review
Notes-International Space Station (from movie)
Names to know (matching worksheet)

TEST      posted 03-10-2005

There is a test tomorrow on the first three parts of Chapter One in the astronomy book. Review sheets were given with study reminders.

There will be a picture of an HR diagram to answer questions from.
The possible short answer ?'s were written on the board.
(You will have to answer 2 of them on the test)

- Describe 2 tools used to study stars/galaxies.
- What is a 'red shift' and what does it tell about stars?
- Explain the difference between absolute magnitude and apparent magnitude.
- What does the Big Bang Theory state?

Current Events      posted 03-06-2005

Students are to find a current news article related to astronomy, print it out(if possible) and answer questions given.

It can be on anything related to space, classes have each been given at least 1 period in the library to find an article.

Period 3,4,6 - due Tuesday 3/8
Period 2,9 - due Wednesday 3/9

Assignments for week of Feb 28th      posted 03-03-2005

Monday night - Spectroscope worksheet (read & answer)

Tuesday - Snow day.
Last day to complete extra credit assigned before vacation!

Wednesday & Thursday

1-2 Review worksheet (and finish reading 25-28)
Why do scientists explore space? Worksheet reading & ?s


Work on finding a current events article related to astronomy.
(You might want to go to the internet sites section and find the Science news websites. There should be plenty to choose from)

Homework week of Feb 14th      posted 02-17-2005

This is a list of the work that was due this week.

- Birth & Death of Stars Article and ?'s
- Read section 1-1 and do the section review on page 21 (#1-4)
- Circumpolar Constellations worksheet
- Page 53 # 1,4,5 bottom questions (critical thinking)


Thursday homework      posted 02-03-2005

All classes must complete the Activity calculating on page 13 and read section 5-3 for class tomorrow.

Period 6 also complete the section review ?s on pg 119.

Homework Wed 2/2      posted 02-02-2005

Complete the 5-1 and 5-2 Review and Reinforcement worksheets.

Review for Test      posted 01-11-2005

Complete the crossword puzzle given in class.

Study for Chapter 2 Test!!

Chapter Review      posted 01-10-2005

Complete the Chapter Review for Chapter 2 in Forces & Motions book.

Page 58 & 59.

Multiple Choice, T/F and questions on page 59.

Tuesday homework      posted 01-04-2005

Period 3 - finish Force word problems

All other classes should have word problems finished AND complete the worksheet given in class today.

Monday Dec 6th      posted 12-06-2004

Complete the Review Sheet and Section Review for Section 1-3 in Motions/Forces books.

Make sure to bring science book & notebook for class this week!

Study      posted 12-02-2004

Study for Quiz tomorrow. Section 1-2 in Motions book

Be sure you know how to do formulas and calculations.
Can you create &/or interpret a graph?

Chapter Review & Study      posted 11-15-2004

Complete the Chapter Review for Chapter 3.

Page 76 - Multiple Choice/True & False
Page 77 - Concept Mastery & Critical Thinking

Study for Quiz Tuesday

Monday November 8th      posted 11-08-2004

Starting off grades for the 2nd marking period with Chapter 3

Finish the assignments from class ....

- Read page 57 and complete the Journal assignment on bottom
- On page 75 Read the Key concepts for section 3-1, create a vocab list in your notes for ALL chapter 3. (yes define them!!)
- Read pg. 58-66. Answer the section review ?s #1-4 on pg.66

LAb reports for projects were due TODAY!!
Marked 10 points off each day late(not excused)
They will NOT be accepted after this Friday (12th)

TEST Chpt 2 in Genetics      posted 11-03-2004


There will be a Test on Chapter 2 on Friday November 5th.
It will cover some information from the entire chapter (vocabulary, scientists, key concepts) but will focus on sections 2-3 & 2-4.

Chapter 2 Review      posted 11-03-2004

Homework for Wednesday November 3rd

Complete the Chapter Review for Chapter 2 in Genetics Book

Pg 54 – Multiple Choice and True False
(To be written out with correct answers)

pg 55 - #1-7 Concept Mastery (Top)
# 4 & 5 Critical Thinking (Bottom)

DNA Crime Story - Case of the Crown Jewels      posted 11-01-2004

DNA Crime Story

You & your lab group had time in class Friday and Monday to follow directions in the packets and solve the crime using DNA fingerprinting techniques (or pretending to do so on paper). Lab groups were to turn in their completed charts with the suspect identified Monday in class.

The 2nd part of the activity was to write a story about the crime. You had a beginning, or part of one from the Joe Friday ‘confidential’ sheet, and the list of suspects. Each student was to complete the story, and had to include

- Being creative
- Correct spelling/grammar
- The process by which you solved the crime (DNA fingerprinting)
- Original characters from the confidential sheet
- Describe what happened before/during/after the crime.

Stories are due on Wednesday November 3rd!!

Thursday night homework      posted 10-28-2004

Students are to finish reading pg. 49-51.

Complete the Section Review on page 51

Current Events - Genetics      posted 10-25-2004

Students were given an article & questions to be completed tonight for homework. Read the article and complete the assignment on the other side. Make sure to bring it to class on Tuesday.

Be sure to have books & notebooks in class this week on Heredity!!

Quiz Friday      posted 10-21-2004

There is a quiz tomorrow on sections 2-1 and 2-2.

Make sure to know ...

- Vocabulary
- Scientists
- Main concepts from book and covered in class.

Wednesday night homework      posted 10-20-2004

Students are to finish the Section Review on pg. 42 (#1-4)

Read 'Making Mutant Mosquitos' on pg. 42

1) A paragraph summary
2) YOUR opinion on what you think about making mutants.
(Is it good/bad...what are possible results?!)

Science Experiment Proposals      posted 10-19-2004

The proposal for your project is on the last page of project packet. PLease have it filled out and signed by tomorrow.

Students were given packets last Thursday and have been told for a week to pick out an experiment they would like to do!!

Section 2-1      posted 10-18-2004

Complete the questions from Section 2-1 if not completed in class.

Section Review #1-4
Questions from any pictures(Figures) that had questions (4 total)

Monday night 10/18      posted 10-18-2004

Students should have read section 2-1 in Genetics book!!

Finish the vocab list on page 53 in your notebook.

Finish reading pg. 2-1
Section Review pg. 39 #1-4
Complete quesions from writings near pictures (4 in total)

Chapter Review      posted 10-06-2004

Finish the Chapter Review

pg 30

MC and TF

Tuesday night homework      posted 10-05-2004

In your heredity books........

Pg. 31 #1-6 Concept Mastery (top questions)

Test Thursday

Monday Oct 4th      posted 10-04-2004


pg. 31 #1-5 Critical Thinking (bottom of page)

TEST on CHAPTER ONE in Heredity book Thursday

Wed night homework      posted 09-29-2004

1) Complete the questions from the board today if not finished.

2) pg. 17 Activity Doing

3) Read 1-2 (pg. 19-23)
Write out Questions & Answers for Section Review pg. 23

* Cover Books by Friday
* Genetics Article due Friday

Monday night homework      posted 09-27-2004

Name Contest Paragraph.

Choose a name for a male or female green anole(we will have both).
Write a paragraph explaining why that name would be the best.

For more information about green anoles, check out

Current Events Article due 10/1      posted 09-24-2004

Due on Friday Oct 1st

Bring in a current science news article that is related to Genetics.

It can be about DNA, genes, genetics diseases or disorders, the human genome project, cloning or anything else dealing with genetics.

Articles may be from a newspaper, magazine or internet new site.
Must be from 2004. Cut out or printed out NEATLY

QUIZ      posted 09-22-2004

All classes have their first science quiz tomorrow.

Homework is to complete the review sheet given in class!!
Use the review sheet to help study for the quiz

- vocabulary
- notes given
- 1-2 Review sheet (done 9/20)

Monday 20th Homework      posted 09-20-2004

Complete the graph on temperatures.

On the back of worksheet, write a conclusion explaining what the graph is showing you.

Thursday 16th HW      posted 09-16-2004

Scientific Method in Action - Worksheet


Problem: The problem/question trying to be solved

Hypothesis: Educated guess (prediction of what will happen)

Homework Tuesday 9/14      posted 09-14-2004

Write a hypothesis and experiment to solve the following question:
(paraphrased from assignment written on board)

" Does eating breakfast affect a student's classwork? "

Homework for Monday 9/13      posted 09-13-2004

Design an experiment

For homework students are to choose a problem/question and design an experiment in detail explaining how they would solve it.

Suggested topics: plants or household objects

To design an experiment you must have:

-The problem/question
-Hypothesis (best written as an If...then... statement)
-Directions for the experiment
Procedure (a step by step list of directions)

Students only have to design the experiment, not perform it!!

Metric conversions      posted 09-09-2004

Complete the worksheet on metric conversions.

Use the notesheet I gave you in class to help out, if you are confused please try your hardest and I will go over the homework in class. If you are still having problems, see me during SS

Homework      posted 09-08-2004

Gathering information (graphing worksheet)

Graphing Worksheet      posted 09-07-2004

Complete the worksheet given in class on interpreting line graphs.

Make sure to have your science & lab notebooks in class!!

Ecology Books      posted 05-31-2004

Students have all been given a copy of the ecology book directions.
On one side is the rubric that they will be graded on, and the other includes directions. ALL students were assigned to read over the directions last week as homework, several have chosen NOT to do so.

Period 1,4,5 will be in the computer center this week on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday to complete research and type their books.

Period 6 has not behaved appropriately or been serious about doing their projects. Therefore, only those students prepared to do work will be allowed to do project work Tuesday, the rest will be doing work in regular classroom using science books. If they can behave then I will bring the class back down as scheduled Thurs & Friday.

Ecology books are due on June 9th.
Next week students will have a final exam on Chpt 26 and books will be turned in. The last few days of school we'll do some labs.

Ecology Project      posted 05-25-2004

Directions will be given out in class, this is to help if you are online and can't remember what exactly it is you're supposed to do.

Ecology – Children’s Book

Due date for this years final project is:Wednesday June 9th, 2004

Topic: Life in Connecticut and Long Island Sound

Students are to choose a wild organism that lives in either Connecticut or Long Island Sound for this assignment. There are plenty of things to choose from, please see the websites provided for help. It may be an animal, bird, insect, plant, fish or anything else other than humans and domestic animals (dogs, cats, farm animals)


Students are going to be creating a children’s’ book (see grading sheet for details). Use your science book, Internet and library resources to find information. It may be written or typed but must be neat and presentable. Be original!! Printouts from the computer will not be accepted.

Picture Requirements:

This should be an illustrated book. If you can, please draw (or trace, etc) your pictures. All pictures should go along with the information on the adjoining pages.

Pictures you must have:
· Your organism
· A food chain that includes your organism
(no less than 3 organisms in chain)
· Show something unique/different about that organism.
· Picture of your organism in it’s natural habitat
· Young and adult pictures (especially if they change a lot)

Information Requirements:

You may include more that this, but there are certain questions that must be answered for all organisms. They do not need to be answered in specific order.

· Description of the organism
Include: Looks, size, life span, # offspring, any
differences between young & adults/males &
females, how it moves, etc.
· Explain the food it eats & what type of consumer it is.
· Describe the animal’s habitat.
What type of ecosystem does it live in?
· Where exactly does this animal live?
· Explain a relationship between your chosen organism and
something else in its environment.
(Ex. Does it compete with something, predator/prey?)
· At least one unique/interesting fact about your organism.
· How does your organism interact with humans?

Dissection Packet      posted 05-10-2004

Do NOT lose this packet and you should have it each day in class.

The work is due on Friday, there is no reason for it not to be completed and handed in on time. Only those absent from class will be allowed to make up work, if you were in school this week you will be graded according to the quality of the work that you hand in.

Tonight - make sure to complete the dissection debate page & essay, and the lab safety review sheet.

Sheep Eye Dissection      posted 04-26-2004
Sheep Eye Dissection

Homework Monday April 26th

Review the parts of the eye in order to do dissection tomorrow.
Anyone with internet access, please read the information on the following website. Remember you MUST follow lab safety, complete lab & questions in order to get credit for your labwork.

Also check out

Disease/Disorder Booklet      posted 03-21-2004
Alphabetized List of Diseases & Disorders

Starting March 22nd, students will begin working on an assignment that is due April 8th. Research time will be available on designated classtime(in library or media tech center) but are expected to do research on their own outside of school as well.

A copy of directions will be provided to students in class.

Below is a copy of the task students have been assigned.
Medical Booklets


The AMA, American Medical Association, has just chosen your advertising agency to design booklets to be displayed in Drs offices across the United States. Your topic deals with human diseases and disorders. Please make sure that your booklet includes the information required by the AMA listed below, written in complete & logical paragraphs.

For each disease/disorder the pamphlet should include…

1) General overview (what disease/disorder is)

2) What are the effects of having the disease?
(what parts of body does it affect, what does it do?)

3) How is it diagnosed?

4) Is it curable?

5) How to you get it?

6) What are the symptoms?

7) When does it show up? (birth, childhood, adulthood)

8) Does it affect a certain group of people?
(nationality, ethnic group, age, sex…)

9) Are there options in treating it? (describe them)

10) What % of the population has it?

The information does not have to be written in the exact order listed. Pictures/illustrations are required, but in limited amounts. Unusual or interesting facts about your disease/disorder are welcome as well. NOTE - do not give simple yes/no answers to any of the questions above, explain your research information in detail.

Circulatory System story/skit      posted 03-13-2004

Students were handed out an assignment last week that is due on Friday March 19th. On the back of the direction sheet is a grading rubric so students know exactly what they are being graded on for my class. It is being graded for both Science and English class and students have been assigned to work on it several nights for homework. The written skit/story must be turned in on time.

NUTRITION & TEENAGERS      posted 03-03-2004

This assignment will be started in class & finished at home!!
It is due in class on Monday March 8th.

Each student is to choose a topic dealing with teenagers & nutrition.
You can start with a question you want to answer, or a general topic about nutrition and teens that you would like to learn about.

Choose a ? or topic(there are examples on the website)
Use assigned classtime in tech center to research the topic.

You will be handing in an 2 page essay about your topic.
Typed or written neatly. Messy work will not be accepted!!

- Make sure that you clearly state your question/issue.
- Provide relevant information in terms that other students
can understand.(Write it in your own words)
- Explain why this topic is important to teenagers.
- In the conclusion, include your opinion about this issue.
- You may include pictures as well if you'd like.

To begin:
1) On this website go to the 'Internet sites' section.
2) Go to the Teenage Nutrition listing.
3) Click on the colored link under the title.
4) Use this website to help get ideas & find some information.
5) When you have decided on a topic, please send me a post
and let me know what you are doing. (Sign your name!!!)

We will be discussing these issues on Monday in class-be ready!!

EXTRA CREDIT      posted 11-24-2003
Alternative Osmosis 'Eggsperiment'

Any student looking for an extra credit assignment, have the following completed and ready to hand results by Monday Dec. 1st.

Page. 85 Activity Discovery 'Eggsperiment'

Page 88 Activity Discovery 'Dissolving Power'