Science Class
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Students & Parents:

Science Notes  (last:11-06-2007)
Spelling and Vocabulary  (last:11-29-2007)
General Announcements  (last:11-26-2007)
Class messages  (last:09-01-2007)
Projects  (last:09-01-2007)
Video Conferencing  (last:09-01-2007)
      Calendar  (last:09-01-2007)
Class Assignments  (last:11-26-2007)
Internet sites  (last:10-11-2007)
Extra Credit Assignments  (last:11-26-2007)
Yearbook  (last:11-26-2007)
Quizzes  (last:10-09-2007)

QUIZ GRADES      posted 11-26-2007


Please be aware that I AM asking students to bring their quiz and tests home to be signed. On occasion I will allow students to take a makeup quiz for one they did poorly on, but only if it is signed by a parent and taken on the reassigned day(or after school.)

If you are not seeing quizzes or tests from your student then please check with them or contact me at school, they are being passed back to be signed but many are not making it home.

Cover Books      posted 10-22-2007

Panther students have all been assigned books. Students are to return books in the same condition as they recieved them(most were brand new this year.)

Books are to be covered. Books socks, paper, or heavy book covers are OK. do NOT use sticky paper to cover these books.

Welcome Panther Students      posted 08-28-2007

Welcome to all new 7th graders on the Wooster Panther team.

I look forward to meeting you and your family this year.

Good luck the first days of school, remember if you are confused or having problems(schedules, lockers, etc) to ask one of your teachers for help. We want to make you introduction to Wooster a good one.

I hope this is going to be an interesting year with many memorable moments and experiences being learned in science class. This website will be updated often, I hope that you will use it often.

~Miss Cline

BLUE MOON      posted 05-31-2007

Tonight is a 'blue moon' for the United States.

The full moon will be a little after 9pm Eastern Time.

Science Midterm Help      posted 01-08-2007

The Science Midterm is this Friday in the morning.

Review sheets will be given & gone over in class.

Thursday afternoon, 1/11, I will be after school for anyone that would like to stay after for extra help.

There is NO late bus on Thursday, if you stay you must have a note signed from home AND have a ride set before Thursday(no running to the office that day to call home).

PLease let me know ASAP if you plan on staying

Genetics Quiz #2      posted 12-05-2006

Periods 2,6 and 9 will be taking a quiz tomorrow (12/6) on the second set of genetics vocabulary terms and Punnett squares.

Periods 3 & 5 will be taking this on Thursday 12/7

End of First Marking Period      posted 11-02-2006

The first Marking Period is coming to a close.
Projects being finished ASAP, due dates listed under projects.

I have posted and offered extra credit for many weeks, students coming to me last minute will NOT be given extra credit. I may give make-up work to some, based on attendance and effort.

I will be after school next week Mon/Wed/ and Thursday.
Anyone that needs to do makeup work or get help must make arrangements to stay and have note from home with permission to stay after. There is no late bus Thurs so students would need a ride home.

work and studying      posted 10-09-2006

We are into the second month of school and I am very concerned about many of the work and study habits demonstrated by students this year. Coming unprepared for class, not doing homework, talking or playing and not focusing on classwork, show no effort to get help or do work during extra study time(such as structured support) and very low quiz/test scores by at least 3/5 classes (of which at least 1/2 admitted to not studying at all).

I have given notes in class, vocab words to know, have pointed out the study guide in the Chapter and willing to give extra help.

Students NEED to show more effort if they are going to pass science this year. I can't help those that have shown no effort to help themselves and can't tell me what it is they don't 'get' because they are never prepared and haven't done assignments on time.

End of the year      posted 05-31-2006

14 days to go !!!!!!!! YAY

One last project to be completed - this is final science grade so don't blow it now when you are so close!!

Holiday Hill trip is Wednesday, June 14th
Graduation is June 19th in the evening
Activity Day is June 20th (day of fun)

Marking Period 2      posted 11-13-2005

We have started into the second marking period!
This is a chance for many to start over and get grades up!

I am available after school, or during SS if you make plans with me, for extra help!! If you need help, please see me!

Marking Period One Grades      posted 10-27-2005

There are only a little over 2 weeks left until the first marking period is over. NOW is the time to come for extra help and try to get up low grades before it is too late. There will only be one more quiz after tomorrow and a small project on genetics to be assigned next week. Extra credit has been posted, extra help is available and I will NOT accept late work after next Friday (11/4/05)

8East      posted 10-17-2005

Progress reports are due back week of 10/17

Permission slips and $$ were due back to homeroom teacher for 8East field trips to Southern last week. If you do not go on the educational trips you will not be going on the fun trips later in year

Gradebook online      posted 03-03-2005

There has been a change to the edhelper website, a gradebook has been added for teachers to use online that gives students and parents access to progress reports.

The classes and assignments are in the process of being added, it should be done by next week.

Any student or parent that signs on, will be able to view the reports for that student only. The information is private and to be respected as such. Once all the grades are in I will be using the system to send home more frequent progress reports.

Students or parents that would like me to add their email addresses so that you may have access, please send them to me at the school.

The email there is

Books      posted 02-13-2005

Please return all Motions & Forces books.

Those books not returned, or ruined, are students responsibilty and they will receive a lost/destroyed book slip to be paid.

The books that will be used next is 'Exploring the Universe'.
Students will be given ONE book each, it must be brought to class and extra books will NOT be given out to those students not prepared.

Third Marking Period      posted 02-13-2005

We are now in the 3rd marking period.
That means a brand new start for everyone, with an A...let's try to keep as many of those grades an A as possible for this term.

Time to start improving for the 2nd half of the year!!

- Get to class on time and prepared
- Follow class rules and expectations
- Pay attention in class
- Put your best effort into classwork and homework
- Study
- Ask for extra help if you need it, after school is the best time and there are busses Mon-Wed.

Marking Period 3      posted 02-03-2005

Marking Period 3 has just started!!

That means everyone starts off again with an A, lets try to keep as many as we can this marking period.

2nd marking period      posted 01-04-2005

Coming back in 2005 we have about a month left to the 2nd marking period. Some students are doing great, others need more work to improve their grades before this month ends.

FYI - Chapter 2 TEST will be on Wednesday 1/12th

After that classes will start a group project that will finish off the marking period with one major grade.

Extra credit assignments have been given at various times throughout the last few weeks(online or class) and can gain extra points. I will NOT however give any student extra credit work at the end of the marking period if they think it will replace doing little/no work during the rest of the marking period.

2nd marking Period      posted 11-21-2004

We have now started into the second marking period at AMS.

This means a fresh start for all students.

Remember to ...

Follow school & classroom expectations
Come prepared for class
Do your homework
Complete class assignments
Study for exams
Hand in work on time!!

Test      posted 11-03-2004

There will be a Test on Chapter 2 on Friday November 5th.
It will cover some information from the entire chapter (vocabulary, scientists, key concepts) but will focus on sections 2-3 & 2-4.

Students have been made aware of this Test since November 1st, there is NO excuse for anyone that has been in school to do poorly!

Progress Reports      posted 10-24-2004

Please note that progress reports DID go out well over a week ago. At this time, several students on the 8East team have not returned them to homeroom teachers signed by parents yet. Any report not turned in this week will be getting a call/letter home from teachers!!

Extra help      posted 10-24-2004

Any students that need extra help in science, on their experiment projects or make-up work should arrange to meet with me during structured support or afterschool when there is a late bus available.

I have announced this in class, but students must come to me to set up a time if they would like to stay afterschool for help(I am not available EVERY day there is latebus due to other responsibilities)

~Miss Cline

Science Experiment Proposals      posted 10-19-2004

The proposal for your project is on the last page of project packet. PLease have it filled out and signed by tomorrow.

Students were given packets last Thursday and have been told for a week to pick out an experiment they would like to do!!

Genetics Test #1      posted 10-05-2004

Students in ALL of Miss Cline's classes will be taking a test this Thursday. In is on Chapter One in the Genetics book.

There is a Study guide/vocab list to review on pg. 29
By Thurday students will have finished Chapter Review on pages 30-31, or will have if they did homework this week!!!

Back to School Night      posted 09-13-2004

Tonight is Back to School Night.

Please remind your parents and ask them to come meet your teachers!!

Miss Cline's New Job      posted 08-23-2004

Hi everyone,

I hope you all had a great summer and are enjoying your last week before school starts back. I'll miss a number of you, and wish you all luck in the 8th grade. I decided to take another teaching job so I won't be back at Betsy Ross this year. If you need help with anything, I can be contacted by this website or my email.


~Miss Cline

Ms. Cline moved schools      posted 08-10-2004

Hi everyone :)

I know, school is out and so the class website is the last you will likely visit. Hopefully a few of you still find your way here!!

I will miss everyone, but am not returning to Betsy Ross this fall. I have a new job in another school district, I'll be teaching 8th grade science. This website is still up and running. The work may be for my new students, but my old gang from BRAMS is still welcome :)

~Miss Cline

Summer Stuff      posted 07-22-2004

For anyone interested, here are some things to do for summer time around CT area. Most are hiking or outdoors related to give up the cellphone's and video games an hour or so and get outdoors!!!
(there is Lots of info under here)

SCHOOL IS OUT !!!      posted 06-19-2004

Congradulations, you survived another year at Betsy Ross.

For some of you it was a good year and will miss you in class :)

Enjoy the summer, stay safe

~Miss Cline

(look under internet sites for some fun stuff to try)

Spring Vacation      posted 04-15-2004

Spring Vacation is finally here, ENJOY :)

For any students needing extra credit assignments to bring up your grades(some of you must make up points lost on disease booklets) than please check out the extra credit assignements.

There are a few that will be posted to do over vacation.

REMINDER      posted 04-06-2004

The medical disease booklets are due Thursday April 8th!!

If you will not be seeing me for science due to the Spring Dance then it must be turned in before you leave school on Thursday.

Chapter 24 Quiz      posted 01-19-2004

Students WILL be having a quiz on Chapter 24 Tuesday when they return to school. The quiz was planned for Friday, but students were told they would be taking it when I saw them next will be given Tues.

Chapter Review for 24 was assigned Wednesday night for homework, there is no reason that students should not have it done by Tuesday.
I will allow students who completed their homework to use it on the quiz. It will not be given Wednesday because classes are scheduled to work in the Computer Room on their poster projects.

2nd Marking Period closes this Friday, Jan 23rd.

CHAPTER 24 - Applied Genetics      posted 01-11-2004

We are starting a new Chapter, and will be working on it over the next 2 weeks until the end of the 2nd Marking Period.

Make sure to have the vocabulary written & defined in your notes.

There will be a project assigned with this chapter, it is your final chance to bring up grades before the end of this marking period!!