Science Class
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Science Notes  (last:11-06-2007)
Spelling and Vocabulary  (last:11-29-2007)
General Announcements  (last:11-26-2007)
Class messages  (last:09-01-2007)
Projects  (last:09-01-2007)
Video Conferencing  (last:09-01-2007)
      Calendar  (last:09-01-2007)
Class Assignments  (last:11-26-2007)
Internet sites  (last:10-11-2007)
Extra Credit Assignments  (last:11-26-2007)
Yearbook  (last:11-26-2007)
Quizzes  (last:10-09-2007)

Calling all Students!!      posted 09-01-2007

This section is all for you!!

If there is something you would like to post for the class, it must be appropriate, then simply send me a message and when I check and clear it, your message will post online for your class to see.

I will also be posting messages for specific classes here.

Period 2 & 3      posted 10-09-2006

You are working on constructing your roller coasters this week.
Please make sure to read directions and have them with you in class, they have the requirements you need for the project.

If you need tunnels, please bring them to school.

Once the coasters are done, you will be presenting them to me and perhaps to the class if we have the time. Make sure to clean up your area once you are done so the pictures we take will be nice!!

Period 4 & 6 students      posted 02-17-2005

REMINDER - Friday, Feb 18th you will be meeting in the Media Center!

Bring your science notes & work you!!

SCI2 Homeroom      posted 12-02-2004

OK, so a few of you have been complaining it's still TOO boring in the classroom and we need more decorations. I agree, but can't do all of it alone to keep things updated every season of the year.

SOOOO...anyone in my homeroom class (or any 8 East student) that would like to stay after next week to help give SCI2 a little more 'character' please let me know. You must have a note from home saying it's Ok to stay after, preferably Mon-Wed with late busses.

Afterschool Science Help      posted 09-27-2004

For any students having problems in science, I am available afterschool Mon-Wed when the late bus is available. Please let me know and a time can be set up for you to come after for help.