Science Class
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Science Notes  (last:11-06-2007)
Spelling and Vocabulary  (last:11-29-2007)
General Announcements  (last:11-26-2007)
Class messages  (last:09-01-2007)
Projects  (last:09-01-2007)
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      Calendar  (last:09-01-2007)
Class Assignments  (last:11-26-2007)
Internet sites  (last:10-11-2007)
Extra Credit Assignments  (last:11-26-2007)
Yearbook  (last:11-26-2007)
Quizzes  (last:10-09-2007)

Osmosis Lab      posted 11-26-2007

You did the gummy bear lab in school, so you have one example of an osmosis lab using food. Can you come up with another one to try at home? You may look online for help but do the experiment and collect data yourself.

You must follow the scientific method.
If you do not know what that contains please go to the projects page on this site and look at the science experiment list.

Halloween mini experiment      posted 10-30-2007

Halloween Mini-Experiment

Using the scientific method, design and perform your own mini-experiment. Use the outline below to help you out.
This assignment is due on Friday November 2nd. It can be written or typed but it must be in order and neat.

Problem – What is the question you are asking?
1) How many houses on your street give out treats
on Halloween?
2) What is the most popular costume?
3) Is chocolate or non chocolate candy more popular?

Hypothesis – Your educated guess.

Variables – Identify your Independent and Dependent

Materials – list what you will use

Procedure – step by step, make sure to use detail.

Observations – What did you see/find out?

Graph/Table – Data must be neat and labelled

Conclusion – One paragraph minimum.

Was your hypothesis correct?
What did you find out?
Thoughts & comments.


Women in Space      posted 10-28-2007

This past week marked a historic event for women in space.

What was it?
Who were the 2 women and what is their job?
Give a brief summary of women in space(their roles & who they were).

Microscope advertisement      posted 10-22-2007

Page 9 in your cell book, 'Writing in Science' assignment.

Complete this by Monday October 29th
25 pts (IF it is worth the full point value)

Extra Credit Assignments      posted 09-02-2007

Extra Credit Assignments are available for those students that are willing to put in the extra effort towards improving their science grades. These assignments will help those students that have been doing their work, but are still having problems on quizzes & tests.

Extra credit work must be completed by the due dates given, written or typed neatly with clear, logical answers.

These assignments may be used to help improve grades, but will not take the place of classwork & homework that is not completed!!

FINAL EXTRA CREDIT AVAILABLE      posted 05-19-2007

This is the final chance I will give for extra credit this year, how many points you get depends on how well you do. I will add to this list over the next week. If you have something you would like to do, write it down and come see me(not in the middle of class) and we will see if something can be worked out.

All extra credit is due by Monday June 1st, 2007

1) Do a second science experiment and complete lab report like you are doing for your project 4th marking period, this must be a different topic than the first one you did. (individual)

2) Write a script for a short demonstration video(to be made by you later) on how to do a specific experiment. You will walk your listener/watchers through an experiment. You can work in small groups for this one and do it at school, but ONLY if the script is finished and it's something that will work (in otherwords nothing dangerous).

3) Design a vocabulary game for the Astronomy Unit (Chapt 1,2,3).

4) Start gathering current events articles on science, you will be making a small journal of articles with summaries(including a few specific questions I ask about each one you show me).

5) Write and come up with a song/poem/rap for one of the science subjects we covered this year. Scientific Method, Genetics, Physics, Astronomy or Environmental science (energy & recycling). This can be for one or more people, I'll let you video tape it towards the end of the year. Will give points(by teacher) and a prize for the best one(student choice). Get creative as you like, just be appropriate.

Make a spectroscope      posted 02-06-2007

Spectroscopes are due before vacation if they are to be given credit.

Do some research online to make one using the materials easiest for you to gather, there are many different types of homemade spectroscopes out there to research.

In order to get the extra credit, this assignment must...

1) be homemade
2) produce a working spectroscope
3) include a 3-5 minute demonstration on how it works.

3rd marking period      posted 02-03-2007

Assignments will be posted this week, hopefully by Sunday night.
Please check back!!

Genetics Extra Credit      posted 11-17-2006
Concepts and Challenges

Click on the blue link above to bring you to the Concepts and Challenges website. Click on the Module books(set of books on the right side). Enter as a student. Go to The Basis of Life' book(it is the first one). Click on Chapter 3, you should now be on the Chapter for Heredity & Genetics.

You may choose any of the activities to do for extra points.
If you are writing a report, you must provide where you found your information (a bibliography of resources)

This assignment is due by Monday December 4th, 2006

Genetics Extra      posted 11-10-2006

Due on Wed November 29

Bring in 2 current science new articles related to genetics
I will give you the written work to do then.

Physics lesson video      posted 11-02-2006

Students may pick 1-2 concepts from Chapters 1, 2, or 5 in their Motion and Energy book. Design a lesson that you can videotape and can be used to teach someone else about one of those topics.


- Must be serious
- Must be scientifically correct
- Be minimum 5 minutes, and make sense
(not 1 minute good info and 4 minutes nonsense)
- May use other people to help but YOU must write out the plans!!

Extra Credit for Marking Period One      posted 10-16-2006

I will be adding a number of assignments to this list of possible extra credit assignments that will be accepted for first marking period. Each will be worth a certain amount of points but please be aware if you don't complete assignment in a satisfactory manner than you will not get the total amount of points possible.

1) In your book, do page 47 Activity Writing.

2) In your book, page 52 Activity Doing.

Extra credit for last makring period`      posted 04-30-2006

I may update this soon, but students must make plans to come after school and meet with me if they want extra help or extra credit!!

I will NOT give extra credit to students doing nothing in class!

Sun and Other Stars - Due March 9th      posted 03-01-2006
Concepts and Challenges

If you choose to do any of these assignments for extra credit, they are due by Thursday March 9th.

Go to Concepts and
(or click on the blue link to bring you there)
Click on Modular Edition (right side)
Click on Student
Click on Earth and Space
Click on Chapter 4 – The Sun and Other Stars

You may choose any of the activities (or all if you are ambitious)
The more in depth the assignment, the more points it is worth.
(The lab activity has some interesting pictures but is not worth an assignment due to the fact there is no written work to be done)

If you have any questions ask me during class/structured support

OLOGY - Stuff to do extras      posted 03-01-2006

Here are a few assignments from the OLOGY site on astronomy (you have been to this site during class in the media center).

Go to the OLOGY site
Go to astronomy
Go to 'stuff to do'

The things I will count for extra credit (vary in points) are...

- Moon Flip Book
- Interview with Mars
- Travel Guide

ISS timeline - Due 4/1/05      posted 03-22-2005

This is the last chance to do THIS extra assignment....

Create a timeline including at least 10 major dates and events that have been part of the history behind the International Space Station now in orbit. End with the most current information you can find (ex. latest mission) and remember to write/draw neatly.

20 pts – basic timeline
30 points – illustrated timeline

Due Friday 30th

Remember - Extra credit will be given during the marking period, if it is not done when assigned I am NOT going to give extra credit and makeups at the end of the marking period for students doing poorly.

Star Wars      posted 03-10-2005

After the test on Friday there will be an extra credit puzzle available. It is a Star Wars extra credit crossward puzzle.

This will be due on Tuesday 3/15

3rd MP - Astronomy extra credit      posted 02-17-2005

(Here is a copy of the extra credits given out in class)

Astronomy – Extra Credit Assignments

You may choose one or more of the following to complete for extra credit points that may help improve your grade. It must be in by the due date to be counted!!
For each, provide the resources from which you got your information.
The maximum points value for each assignment has been given.

1) Create a timeline including at least 10 major dates and events that have been part of the history behind the International Space Station now in orbit. End with the most current information you can find (ex. latest mission) and remember to write/draw neatly.
20 pts – basic timeline
30 points – illustrated timeline

2) Write a 2-3 page biography about an astronaut with a similar cultural background as your own (or one that you find the most interesting).

The report must include the following…
· Basic life history – who are (were) they, from?, background, etc….
· When did he/she go into space, on what mission(s), ship & # times
· Any important events they were part of.
· Why did you choose this person, what is interesting about him/her?

40 points (typed or VERY neatly written)

3) There are many different stories on how the Universe began.
Research and write a report comparing some of these theories.
Must include
·Big Bang Theory (scientific)
·Stories from 2 different cultures
·A comparison between the stories
(similarities vs. differences)

40 points (typed or VERY neatly written)

4) Constellation drawing
(written on ‘Locating the circumpolar constellations’ worksheet)

10 pts – basic drawing, stars only
20 pts – stars drawn in correct pattern with image surrounding

February Break      posted 02-13-2005

I will be posting a few extra credit assignments that can be done over the winter break that runs the week of Feb 21st.

There will be a few assignments posted throughout the marking period, I will NOT give them out at the end of the term for make-up grades!

Tsunami Hits      posted 12-28-2004
Aol news: science of tsunamis

Some of you NEED the extra help to get grades up, others simply might be curious enough to want something different to look up.

I will update and add a few more varied assignments in the next few days. All are science related, even if it's not what we are covering in class at the moment. Variety is good :)

Assignment #1 - Tsunami Hits!!

If you have seen the news or read the paper you will have heard about this natural disaster that hit Asia over the holiday weekend.

In an essay, or short report, answer the following questions.

What is a tsunami?
What causes it (describe in detail)?
How does a tsunami move across the ocean?
Explain some of the ways it is possible for a tsunami to create so much damage. (this includes post tidal wave trama)
Why is a tsunami much more dangerous near land than in open ocean?
Are there early warning signs? How are they detected?
Who is most likely to be warned? Is a warning system sure to work?

Which countries were hit the hardest by the tsunami this weekend?
Give a brief explanation about what happend with this major disaster.

Personal thoughts, ideas, opinions on this natural disaster?

Motion Cartoon      posted 12-08-2004

Create a cartoon in color that includes motion/acceleration in it's story line. It can be a flipbook, cartoon strip or comic book page.

Graded on effort, neatness, storyline & science content understanding

Due Friday December 10th by the end of day(latest)

Motions & Forces Extra Credit      posted 11-26-2004

I will post a few extra credit assignments for this unit. Extra credit is really for those students that are doing OK in class, but may need(or simply want) a little extra boost in getting grades up. It is NOT meant to make up for a number of homeworks & classworks not completed, that must be completed on time or made up in/after school.

I will update this posting, so please check back.
The points each assignment is worth shows the maximum amount you can get, it must be good work to get the full amount of points.

Extra credit assignments

1) Write a short biography on Issac Newton. You may use book or internet sources, but include a list of your sources.
Who was he? (dates living, where did he live, etc.)
Describe his life growing up and as an adult.
What major accomplishments did he have in life?
How did he contribute to what is known about laws of physics?

This is worth 50 points and due by Monday Dec. 7th

2) Design an experiment about motion that could be performed by your science class. You are the teacher here, so be sure to include a full set of instructions and questions your classmates should be able to complete. It can be fun, but must be able to be performed in class (so use reasonable materials and time frame) and follow along with the information you are learning in Chapter One. Include a short summary of what your objective is...what do YOU think students should learn from your experiment & how you would grade them on work.

Handed in by Monday after Thanksgiving break = 50 points
Handed in by Wed after break = 30 points

Personalized extra credit      posted 05-11-2004

For the next week or 2, extra credit will be available for those students that make the effort to come and ask me for it. The assignments given will be based on that individual student, and will be due one week from when they are assigned.

When we begin ecology, there will be another extra credit assignment posted for all students in general.

Nervous System and the Senses      posted 04-15-2004

On this website there are questions related to the nervous system and your senses. There are a number of activities listed for Chapter 18. Complete any 2 of the ones listed below for extra credit. You may use books or the internet to help you out.

DUE DATE: Monday April 26th

Go to
Click on student
Go to the Life Science book with Polar bear on front
Go to the Human Body Unit
Find Chapter 18

Complete any of the selected following activities

18-1 through 18-6

Extra Credit for Chapter 16      posted 03-02-2004

On this website there are a number of questions related to the digestive system and nutrition. There are a number of activities listed for Chapter 14. Complete any of the ones listed below for extra credit. You may use books or the internet to help you out.

DUE DATE: Tuesday March 9

Go to
Click on student
Go to the Life Science book with Polar bear on front
Go to the Human Body Unit
Find Chapter 14 on Nutrition & Digestion

Complete any of the selected following activities


14-6 is not for extra credit but it may help you study for test.

Support & Motion      posted 02-15-2004
Support & Movement Chapter

On this website there are a number of questions related to the skeletal and muscular systems. There are 7 activities listed for Chapter 13, complete any of them for extra credit points.

DUE DATE: March 1.

If the link doesn't work then try the following.

Go to
Click on student
Go to the Life Science book with Polar bear on front
Go to the Human Body Unit
Find the Support & Motion Chapter
Following directions for Chpt 13 activities

The skeletal system      posted 02-15-2004
Innerbody - The skeleton

Skeletal System Online.

Complete the worksheet on the skeleton system, using information from the website. Worksheets will be available in class after Feb break, OR if you have an email address, post a message to me on here and I will send you the assignment to do at home.

DUE DATE: Friday Feb 27th