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Yearbook  (last:11-26-2007)
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YEARBOOKS ON SALE      posted 11-26-2007



Yearbook at Wooster      posted 09-01-2007

Mrs. Petshaft(Language Arts) is in charge of the Wooster yearbook.

If you are interested in becoming part of the staff you might ask her for information. Announcements may be maed soon at school.

New Year      posted 12-29-2006

All my photo people...

We need to get going and take many more pictures in the new year!!

Portrait pictures are in!! We need to start sorting them into the correct homerooms so that we will know if we are missing anyone.

First meeting is Wednesday January 10th

Photographers      posted 12-05-2006

We still need plenty of pictures for the yearbook!!

Many of the good ones taken so far have been used for the color montage pages but there are many other pages to be filled.

Thank you to those that have done work on the montage pages :)

We will meet December 6th, but will not be meeting next week

Photo      posted 11-02-2006

Just to let you all know, I did give a list of yearbook staff to the principals in case any of you are working on something and I'm not around. Please be polite and respectful when taking pictures, do not interupt classes or argue with teachers if they don't want pictures taken on a given day. Let me know the issues and I will deal with it.

The first deadline for us is Dec 1.

We must have the color colage pages in. This means taking many more photos so we have something to work with.

Design and Adminisration meeting      posted 10-17-2006

For those people on yearbook staff but not in the photo department we will be meeting after school on Oct 18th.

Photographers      posted 10-11-2006

Any photographers on yearbook staff please check in with Miss Cline to get assignments and camera (or passes for your camera).

Anyone using a camera for school must have permission slips signed from parents, be on the yearbook staff and conduct yourself by school rules and expectations. We are looking for many pictures this year of 8th graders, in and out of school. Those not used for yearbook may be used for a end of the year 'Memories' type picture CD.

Applications      posted 09-20-2006

Yearbook Applications have been handed out for this year.
The applications are due on Monday Sept 25, 2006

Any questions please email

Reminder - behavior will determine if you get or stay on yearbook

Looking for yearbook staff, class of 2007      posted 09-07-2006

Mrs. V and I will soon be putting out applications for this year's yearbook staff. All are welcome to apply, but be aware if you do not show up at meetings or we find you are getting into trouble with teachers we will no longer include you on the team.

Order forms      posted 04-30-2006

Thanks to all yearbook staff that helped getting pictures and everything else in order to be submitted for the yearbook.

At the moment we need to get orders in, ASAP. PLease remind your friends if they want a yearbook it must be ordered by Friday!!

Yearbooks are $25.00
Return with the order form
Cash or Money orders preferred, please don't use personal checks!!

Pictures & Meetings      posted 03-01-2006

Meetings - There will be yearbook meetings next week.
Wednesday after school and some smaller meetings during the day (I will likely get some kids together to work on inschool work)

Pictures - ANY pictures that you have taken and want to go in the yearbook I must have by March 9th the latest!! I will have the final say on what pictures are allowed (example I don't want 10 pics of the same group of friends to go on a page)but all are welcome to submit

January 2006      posted 01-08-2006

There will be a yearbook meeting this Wednesday January 11th and again on Wednesday 18th.

All yearbook staff is welcome, there is work to be done and pages due by the end of this month.

Student artwork and poems are wanted. If you know anyone that is interested, please remind them all work must be handed in by Jan 23rd in order for it to have a shot at getting into the yearbook.

Final 2005 meeting      posted 12-19-2005

This Wednesday will be the final yearbook meeting for 2005.

There is much to be done, this is a general meeting for all staff that are able to attend.

Anyone that wants to work on taking pictures, see Ms Cline for an assignment. Anyone that will be attending basketball games or other activities not during regular school hours, please let me know.

Pictures      posted 11-17-2005

Attention all yearbook photographers!!

The color pages of the yearbook are due Dec 1st.
This means I need ANY pics you have taken, digitals you want to give me and cameras/film to be developed returned by Thanksgiving!!

Thanks :)

Meetings      posted 11-09-2005

Meetings will alternate back and forth between different groups working on the yearbook. I will announce them at school, and on this site if you need to check at home. Not ALL meetings will be on Wednesdays, it simply seems to be what works for now.

Yearbook staff that can't stay after school, PLEASE come see me and I can give you jobs to do during Structured Support or another time.